Selasa, 26 Maret 2019


Hello, my name is yuda fajar, I am 23 years old, im a student in Gunadarma University.

I’ll tell a little  story about my unforgettable experience in my life.

This happened after I’m graduated from senior high school. Many option for me to continuing life after Graduated from senior high school. I was  Confused to choose work or college. And then I made up for apply a job. And I’m worked with 6 months contract in the company.
I’m glad to get a job, shopping with my salary, but in the third months contract, I lost my wallet at work.
I was hopeless when losing the worried about money, but important is driving license, identity card and etc. After arrived at home, I’m telling about this problem to my parent and prayed, and then two days later, somebody came to my house for give me back my wallet, nothing lost in my wallet , just money was gone. I'm grateful that someone returned it.

This the second stories about unforgettable experience in my life. I’ll tell you a little about DJRC, Djrc is the name of motorcycle community in jonggol. This was happening when DJRC formed and legalized,  We made a touring event to sukabumi. the idea was proposed by the founders of the DJRC and representatives of founders who had experience in community, touring from jonggol to sukabumi is quite far  and takes a long time,then there are many problems came during a trip, such as broken chain, leak of tire, overhead engine. We went at night and arrived  at  dawn in sukabumi. After arriving there, we all make a prospect for mental training, make a forum and learn about solidarity. From there I got a knowledge about solidarity, safety riding, and all of drive.

now I’ve already left the community , but that community still remains until now.

                That is two my unforgettable experiences in my life. All of that is true story.

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